What is a reportable error in surgery?
E.J. Harvey
Qu’est-ce qu’une erreur à déclaration obligatoire
en chirurgie ?
E.J. Harvey
A tribute to Nils G. Kock, 1924–2011
Z. Cohen
Meta-analytic comparison of randomized and
nonrandomized studies of breast cancer surgery
J.P. Edwards, E.J. Kelly, Y. Lin, T. Lenders, W.A. Ghali,
A.J. Grahamn
[abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF / appendix in PDF]
Variable impact of complications in general
surgery: a prospective cohort study
E. Bosma, E.J. Veen, M.A.C. de Jongh, J.A. Roukema
[abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF]
Humanitarian cardiac care in Arequipa, Peru:
experiences of a multidisciplinary Canadian
cardiovascular team
C. Adams, P. Kiefer, K. Ryan, D. Smith, G. McCabe, P. Allen, K. Sridhar, P. Torres, M.W.A. Chu
[abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF]
New minimally invasive technique for repairing femoral hernias: 3-D patch device through a femoris approach
W. Lei, J. Huang, C. Luoshang
[abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF]
Comparison of lifetime incremental cost:utility ratios of surgery relative to failed medical management for the treatment of hip, knee and spine osteoarthritis modelled using 2-year postsurgical values
P. Tso, K. Walker, N. Mahomed, P.C. Coyte, Y.R. Rampersaud
[abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF]
Hemithyroidectomy is the preferred initial
operative approach for an indeterminate fine
needle aspiration biopsy diagnosis
C.G. Chiu, R. Yao, S.K. Chan, S.S. Strugnell,
S. Bugis, R. Irvine, D. Anderson, B. Walker, S.J. Jones, S.M. Wiseman
[abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF]
Safety of thyroidectomy and cervical neck
dissection without drains
B. Abboud, G. Sleilaty, H. Rizk, G. Abadjian, C. Ghorra
[abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF]
Cost–utility analysis of early versus delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis
E. Dixon, D.L. Fowler, G. Ghitulescu; Evidence Based Reviews in Surgery Group
[full text in PDF]
Understanding confidence intervals
M. Cadeddu, F. Farrokhyar, C. Levis, S. Cornacchi, T. Haines, A. Thoma; Evidence-Based Surgery Working Group
[full text in PDF / appendix in PDF]
Conservative or Operative Management (Open or Laparoscopic) of Acute Appendicitis
A. Cariati, E. Piromalli
[full text in PDF]
Conservative or Operative Management (Open or Laparoscopic) of Acute Appendicitis: The Authors Reply
G.J. Fitzmaurice, B. McWilliams, H. Hurreiz, E. Epanomeritakis
[full text in PDF]
Canadian Spine Society abstracts
[full text in PDF]