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Clinical and Investigative Medicne

Juin · June 2000

Clin Invest Med 2000;23(3)

  Articles de nouveauté en recherche · Original Articles
172 Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acromegaly: a Canadian perspective
Y.C. Patel, S.Ezzat, C.L. Chik, O.P. Rorstad, O. Serri, E. Ur, G.E. Wilkins
[abstract / résumé]
  Article de critique systématique · Review article
188 Deconstructing Mendel: new paradigms in genetic mechanisms
D. Gilchrist, D.M. Glerum, R. Wevrick
[abstract / résumé]
  Coin des résidents · Residents' Corner
199 Department of Medicine Research Day at the University of Alberta
R. Lewanczuk, R.L. Jones
216 Physicians' recommendations for patients who undergo noncardiac surgery [Correction]

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