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Clinical and Investigative Medicine

avril April 2001

Clin Invest Med 2001;24(2)

  Articles de nouveauté en recherche • Original Articles
76 Effect of radiation on cytokine and cytokine receptor messenger-RNA profiles in p53 wild and mutated human glioblastoma cell lines
D. Yee, C. Hao, H.C. Cheung, H.T. Chen, L. Dabbagh, J. Hanson, R. Coupland, K.C. Petruk, D. Fulton, W.H. Roa
[abstract / résumé in HTML / full text in PDF]
83 Association between the burden of disease and research funding by the Medical Research Council of Canada and the National Institutes of Health. A cross-sectional study
M. Lamarre-Cliche, A.-M. Castilloux, J. LeLorier
[abstract / résumé in HTML / full text in PDF]
90 Determinants of the need for hospital care among women with nausea and vomiting of pregnancy
G. Atanackovic, J. Wolpin, G. Koren
[abstract / résumé in HTML / full text in PDF]

Contribution spéciale • Special feature

94 On the determinants of academic success as a clinician-scientist
D.L. Sackett
[full text in PDF]
  Éditorial • Editorial
101 Determinants of radiation-induced injury
R.F. Del Maestro
[full text in PDF]
  Génétique et pratique clinique • Clinically Important Genes
103 The a-globin gene cluster: genetics and disorders
J.S. Waye, D.H.K. Chui
[full text in PDF]
  Physiologie appliquée • Bedside physiology
110 Is exercise tolerance limited by the heart or the lungs?
K.J. Killian
[full text in PDF]
  Recension • Book Review
118 [full text in PDF]

© 2001 Association médicale canadienne / Canadian Medical Association