Official Journal of the Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation
Revue officielle de la Société canadienne de recherches cliniques
April / avril 1998
Clin Invest Med 1998;21(2)
© 1998 Canadian Medical Association / Association
médicale canadienne
The National Aboriginal Achievement Awards ·
Les prix nationaux d'excellence décernés aux autochtones |
52 |
Dr. Cornelia Wieman is the 1998 Medical Award recipient |
53 |
Le Dr Cornelia Wieman est la lauréate du prix médical pour 1998 |
Original Articles · Articles de nouveauté en recherche |
54 |
Long-term regulation of leptin expression is correlated with adipocyte number in obese rats, G. Shillabeer, S. Vydelingum, G. Hatch, J.C. Russell, D.C.W. Lau [abstract / résumé] |
63 |
Neutropenic complications in advanced-stage non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: implications for the use of prophylactic recombinant human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), N. Bobey, R.C. Woodman [abstract / résumé] |
71 |
Different effects of heparin in males and females, N.R.C. Campbell, R.D. Hull, R. Brant, D.B. Hogan, G.F. Pineo, G.E. Raskob [abstract / résumé] |
79 |
Exercise capacity and energy expenditure of morbidly obese and previously obese subjects, C.F. Notarius, B. Rhode, L.D. MacLean, S. Magder [abstract / résumé] |
88 |
Uncertainties in bone mineral density T scores, C.E. Webber [abstract / résumé] |
Editorial · Éditorial |
94 |
Bone mineral density T scores: assessing the risk, A.B. Hodsman [full text] |
