
le 15 décembre 1998 / December 15, 1998
JAMC 1998; 159(12)
© 1998 Association médicale canadienne / Canadian Medical Association
Dans ce
numéro · In this issue

Circumstantial evidence |
1457 |
The impact of hissy fits in primary care, W.E. Osmun, C. Naugler [full text] |
1461 |
The good, the bad and the ugly: association between car colour and bicycle passing space, J.K. Hurst [full text] |
1463 |
Cost-effectiveness of beer versus red wine for the prevention of symptomatic coronary artery disease, G. Innes [full text] |
1467 |
The genetic basis of administosis, S. Camero |
1469 |
Evidence for a new classification of anal-retentiveness: torpid posteriosus and retro-pudendal hesitancy, G.J.R. Charrois, M. Ewanchuk |
1472 |
Interviews with the dead: using meta-life qualitative analysis to validate Hippocrates' theory of humours, F. Secretion, G.S. Conjur, S.P. Attitude |
Unsubstantiated opinion |
1476 |
To boldly go: We have to look beyond the Simpsons for a true medical hero, M. Yeo [full text] |
1478 |
Hissy fits revividus, P.F. Hall [full text] |
Obfuscation |
1480 |
D'oh! An analysis of the medical care provided to the family of Homer J. Simpson, R. Patterson, C. Weijer [full text] |
1482 |
The judgement of urines, R. Harvey [full text] |
1485 |
McGee, Samuel: consultation report from the marge of Lake Lebarge, J.A. Smith [full text] |
1487 |
The Saskatoon ClampTM: a new anti-incontinence device, K. Visvanathan |
1488 |
How to read clinical journals: IX. Sounding like you've read the literature when you haven't read a thing, D.A. Redelmeier, M. Schuchman, S.L. Shumak [full text] |
1492 |
The holiday literature: a critical review, A.M. Clarfield [full text] |
1494 |
Katz on the Net, J. McGowan [full text] |
Whimsies |
1495 |
Sage advice from my garden, D. Square [full text] |
1498 |
The cure is in the bag: Is there a correlation between the number of unconventional remedies ingested and overall health status?, M. Greiver [full text] |
1499 |
Ode on health and the holidays, C. Caplan [full text] |
1500 |
Crossword: diagnosis in retrospect, J. Jayaraman, K.S. Joseph |
1503 |
My wallet's getting thin even if I'm not, B. Sibbald [full text] |
1505 |
A mother's advice about studying medicine, J. O'Keefe |
1507 |
So you want to be a doctor, eh?, J.M. Embil, D.C. Spence |
1508 |
What the heck . . .?, B. Sibbald |
1548 |
Statistics and damn lies [full text] |
Totally wacky Web sites |
1510 |
OReilly's Internet medicine show, M. OReilly [full text] |
ISSN 0820-3946 159(12) 1441-1548 (1998)
