
le 3 novembre 1998 / November 3, 1998
JAMC 1998; 159(9)
© 1998 Association médicale canadienne / Canadian Medical Association
Dans ce
numéro · In this issue
1071 |
Editor's preface
Mot du rédacteur en chef
Un grand nombre de bactéries résistantes aux antibiotiques se sont développées en raison de l'utilisation répandue de ces derniers en agriculture. George Khachatourians brosse un tableau du problème (page 1129) et Allison McGeer explore des pistes de solution (page 1119). |
1075 |
Nouvelles et analyses · News and analysis
1081 |
Correspondance · Letters
Directives aux correspondants / Instructions to correspondents
- What price freedom?, D.B. Clark
- Can we alleviate unnecessary stress?, W.S. Crysdale
- Relieving suffering, R.W. Dunn; response: E.J. Latimer
- Plastics deserve praise, not criticism, A.J. LaCovey
- Careful with the antibiotics, A.E. Simor; B. Slinger; S. Houston
- Yet another Dr. King, J.S. Carruthers
- Lifestyle and genetic susceptibility, R.A. Hegele
- New guidelines nurture fear, not confidence, G. Lantos
- Secondhand smoke and cancer: Where's the proof? [Correction]
Études · Evidence |
1091 |
Evaluation of rubella screening in pregnant women, T.W. Gyorkos, T.N. Tannenbaum, M. Abrahamowicz, G. Delage, J. Carsley, S. Marchand [abstract / résumé] |
1101 |
Patterns of practice among older physicians in Ontario, B. Chan, G.M. Anderson, M.-E. Thériault [abstract / résumé] |
1107 |
Comparison of long-term care in an acute care institution and in a long-term care institution, R. Friedman, N. Kalant [abstract / résumé] |
Éditoriaux · Editorials |
1117 |
Following up on unfinished business prenatal rubella screening and postpartum vaccination, T.W.S. Tam [full text] |
1119 |
Agricultural antibiotics and resistance in human pathogens: Villain or scapegoat?, A.J. McGeer [full text] |
1121 |
Glucocorticoids in the treatment of croup: barking up the right tree, T.P. Klassen [full text] |
· Education |
1123 |
Sudden death in a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, E.R. Beaubien, T.W. Wilson, N. Satkunam [abstract / résumé] |
1129 |
Agricultural use of antibiotics and the evolution and transfer of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, G.G. Khachatourians [full text / résumé] |
1139 |
Prostate cancer: 5. Diagnostic tools for early detection, P.I. Karakiewicz, A.G. Aprikian [full text] |
Santé publique
· Public health |
1151 |
Leptospirosis at work and at play, C.E. Caplan [full text] |
· Features |
1153 |
Police task force targets "terrorists" behind sniper-style attacks on MDs, B. Sibbald, A. Mullens [full text / en bref] |
1158 |
WW II "guinea pigs" played crucial role in refining plastic surgery in Canada, P. Wilton [full text / en bref] |
1160 |
Tip of ethical iceberg "just becoming apparent" in genetic research, R. Cairney [full text / en bref] |
1161 |
Winnipeg software designed to give FPs easy access to specialists' advice, J. Stewart [in brief / en bref] |
1163 |
Chinese Medical Association anxious to establish ties with CMA, B. Sibbald [in brief / en bref] |
1165 |
"Cash-for-blood" companies still thriving in US, M. Korcok [in brief / en bref] |
ISSN 0820-3946 159(9) 1065-1224 (1998)
