
le 29 juin 1999 / June 29, 1999
JAMC 1999; 160(13)
© 1999 Association médicale canadienne / Canadian Medical Association
Dans ce
numéro · In this issue
1811 |
Editor's preface
Mot du rédacteur en chef
Couverture :
La prévalence des maladies transmises par les tiques atteint son apogée au cours des mois d'été. Dans ce numéro, Claudia dos Santos et Kevin Kain rapportent le cas d'un Canadien ayant contracté en même temps une babésiose et la maladie de Lyme, après un voyage aux États-Unis (page 1851). |
Études ˇ Evidence |
1824 |
Prevalence of asthma, rhinitis and eczema among children in 2 Canadian cities: the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood
B.F. Habbick, M.M.M. Pizzichini, B. Taylor, D. Rennie, A. Senthilselvan, M.R. Sears [full article] |
1830 |
Do physicians assess lifestyle health risks during general medical examinations? A survey of general practitioners and obstetriciangynecologists in Quebec B. Maheux, N. Haley, M. Rivard, A. Gervais [full article] |
1838 |
Incidence of tuberculosis among reported AIDS cases in Quebec from 1979 to 1996
P. Brassard, R.S. Remis [full article] |
1843 |
Fatal work-related farm injuries in Canada, 19911995
W. Pickett, L. Hartling, R.J. Brison, J.R. Guernsey, for the Canadian Agricultural Injury Surveillance Program [full article] |
Éditorial ˇ Editorial |
1849 |
Should physicians assess lifestyle risk factors routinely?
C.P. Herbert [full article] |
ˇ Education |
1851 |
Two tick-borne diseases in one: a case report on concurrent babesiosis and Lyme disease in Ontario
C.C. dos Santos, K.C. Kain [full article] |
Sur_le_Net@cma.ca ˇ On_the_Net@cma.ca |
1859 |
Your secrets aren't sacred
M. OReilly [full article] |
ˇ Features |
1860 |
Flight 7 from Macedonia: trauma of a different sort lies ahead for Kosovar refugees B. Sibbald [full article] |
1863 |
Dr. Léo-Paul Landry: a builder packs his tools J. Hoey, P. Sullivan [full article] |
1865 |
A first: FP finally assumes top post at a Canadian medical school D. Square [full article] |
1866 |
All conflicts of interest are not created equal B. Sibbald [full article] |
Gens de cur
ˇ Heart and Soul |
1892 |
Saving lives, in water and out H. Kent [full article] |
