
le 9 mars 1999 / March 9, 1999
JAMC 1999; 160(5)
© 1999 Association médicale canadienne / Canadian Medical Association
Dans ce
numéro · In this issue
Les démons du sevrage alcoolique aigu peuvent être difficiles à vaincre. Le Dr Anne Holbrook et ses collaborateurs discutent de façons d'aider les médecins à diagnostiquer et gérer le sevrage alcoolique (page 675) et passent en revue des données probantes relatives à l'utilisation des benzodiazépines dans ce traitement (page 649). |
627 |
Nouvelles et analyses · News and analysis
Études · Evidence |
643 |
Relation between hospital surgical volume and outcome for pancreatic resection for neoplasm in a publicly funded health care system, M. Simunovic, T. To, M. Theriault, B. Langer [abstract / résumé] |
649 |
Meta-analysis of benzodiazepine use in the treatment of acute alcohol withdrawal, A.M. Holbrook, R. Crowther, A. Lotter, C. Cheng, D. King [full text / résumé] |
659 |
Improved survival among HIV-infected patients after initiation of triple-drug antiretroviral regimens, R.S. Hogg, B. Yip, C. Kully, K.J.P. Craib, M.V. O'Shaughnessy, M.T. Schechter, J.S.G. Montaner [full text / résumé] |
Éditoriaux · Editorials |
669 |
HIV clinical trials are not enough, M.E. Millson, A.R. Rachlis [full text] |
671 |
More procedures, better quality of care? Is there a case for regionalization of pancreatic resection for neoplasm?, M.J. Wexler [full text] |
· Education |
675 |
Diagnosis and management of acute alcohol withdrawal, A.M. Holbrook, R. Crowther, A. Lotter,
C. Cheng, D. King [full text / résumé] |
685 |
Prostate cancer: 12. The economic burden, S.A. Grover, H. Zowall, L. Coupal,
M.D. Krahn [full text] |
693 |
De l'Oreille Gauche · The Left Atrium
· Features |
699 |
Cost no object as new agency tries to restore blood system's credibility, J. Hass [full text / in brief] |
701 |
Alberta physician made a career
of roughing it in the bush, J. Brooks [full text / in brief] |
703 |
BC doctors ante up, sponsor aggressive media stand, B. Sibbald [full text] |
705 |
Rural medicine needs cradle-to-grave strategy: blueprint, B. Sibbald [full text] |
Gens de cur
· Heart and Soul |
756 |
The horse rescuer, A. Tempelman-Kluit [full text] |
