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le 4 mai 1999 / May 4, 1999

JAMC 1999; 160(9)

© 1999 Association médicale canadienne / Canadian Medical Association

Dans ce numéro · In this issue

    Communiqué de presse
    Sujets d'intérêt

Editor's preface
Mot du rédacteur en chef

Couverture :
Nous examinons dans ce numéro les techniques chirurgicales de pointe, notamment le laser à excimère, servant à corriger l'éternel problème des défauts ophtalmiques de réfraction (page 1329).

Excimer laser and refractive errors

1279 Nouvelles et analyses ˇ News and analysis
1285 Correspondance ˇ Letters
Directives aux correspondants / Instructions to correspondents

  Études ˇ Evidence
1293 Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus among James Bay Cree women in northern Quebec S. Rodrigues, E. Robinson, K. Gray-Donald [abstract]
1299 Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus among Swampy Cree women in Moose Factory, James Bay M. Godwin, M. Muirhead, J. Huynh, B. Helt, J. Grimmer [abstract]
1303 Intermittent compression units for severe post-phlebitic syndrome: a randomized crossover study J.S. Ginsberg, D. Magier, B. Mackinnon, M. Gent, J. Hirsh [abstract]

  Exposés de recherche ˇ Research letters
1311 Radiofrequency radiation in five Vancouver schools: exposure standards not exceeded A. Thansandote, G.B. Gajda, D.W. Lecuyer [full text]
1312 Alleviating nausea and emesis by Pavlovian conditioning G.B. Biederman, V.A. Davey [full text]

  Éditoriaux ˇ Editorials
1315 Ironies most bittersweet P.F. Hall [full text]
1317 Optimizing the duration of anticoagulation therapy for venous thrombosis S. Solymoss [full text]
1318 Radiofrequency radiation exposure and other environmental concerns R. House [full text]
  Controverse ˇ Controversy
1321 Informed consent in a different key: physicians' practice profiles and the patient's right to know E.-H.W. Kluge [full text]
1323 Reporting medical mistakes and misconduct C.D. Naylor [full text]

  Éducation ˇ Education
1329 Recent advances in refractive surgery E.Y.W. Yu, W.B. Jackson [full text / abstract]
1341 Lifestyle changes to prevent and control hypertension: Do they work? A summary of the Canadian consensus conference N.R.C. Campbell, E. Burgess, G. Taylor, E. Wilson, J. Cléroux, J.G. Fodor, L. Leiter, J.D. Spence [full text]
1344 Tuberculosis: 4. Pulmonary disease R. Long, R. Cowie [full text in HTML / full text in PDF]

1349 De l'Oreille Gauche ˇ The Left Atrium ˇ
1353 Smile, your name may be online, M. OReilly

  Chroniques ˇ Features
1355 New federal office will spend millions to regulate herbal remedies, vitamins B. Sibbald [full text / in brief]
1358 Surgeons find themselves on trial in forum featuring CMPA lawyers A. Silversides [full text / in brief]

  Gens de cœur ˇ Heart and Soul
1412 A physician's struggle to close Pandora's box L. Cohen [full text]
  Supplément spécial ˇ Special Supplement
  Lifestyle modifications to prevent and control hypertension