le 27 juillet 1999 / July 27, 1999
JAMC 1999; 161(2)
© 1999 Association médicale canadienne / Canadian Medical Association
Avis important : À partir du numéro du 13 juillet 1999 du JAMC, la version intégrale de tous les articles du journal sera affichée sur le site web. Les articles seront également offerts en format PDF (portable document format). Pour consulter et imprimer un document PDF, vous aurez besoin du logiciel Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 3.0 et plus). Pour télécharger Acrobat (gratuitement) ou obtenir des renseignements additionnels, consulter le site web de Adobe Systems (www.adobe.com).
Dans ce
numéro · In this issue
Mot du rédacteur en chef ˇ Editor's Preface |
117 |
Drug interactions: Who warns the patient?
[HTML / PDF] |
118 |
Les interactions médicamenteuses : qui prévient le patient?
Couverture :
Le syndrome du côlon irritable, dont les malaises peuvent être déclenchés aussi bien par des facteurs psychologiques qu'alimentaires, touche près de 15 % des adultes des pays occidentaux. On présente en page 154 les recommandations d'une conférence de consensus sur le traitement primaire de cette affection. |
122 |
Nouvelles et analyses ˇ News and analysis [HTML / PDF] |
- Kidney disease on rise in BC
- New HIV guidelines
- Shattering the glass ceiling at medical schools
- A phobia-fighting Web site
- Pulse: The changing face of AIDS
- Military has high hopes after MD pay hike
- Research Update: New test for nasopharyngeal cancer
126 |
Correspondance ˇ Letters [HTML / PDF]
Directives aux correspondants |
- Improving preventive care
- Quality control in nursing homes
- Evolving attitudes
- Educating med students about alternative therapies
- Canadian Blood Service
Études ˇ Evidence |
132 |
Cardiovascular and cancer mortality among Canadians of European, south Asian and Chinese origin from 1979 to 1993: an analysis of 1.2 million
T. Sheth, C. Nair, M. Nargundkar, S. Anand, S. Yusuf
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF] |
139 |
Effects of perceived patient demand on prescribing anti-infective drugs
E. Miller, L.D. MacKeigan, W. Rosser, J. Marshman
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF] |
143 |
Prescribing psychotropic medication for elderly patients: some physicians' perspectives
N. Damestoy, J. Collin, R. Lalande
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF] |
146 |
Use of vitamin B12 injections among elderly patients by primary care practitioners in Ontario
C.G. van Walraven, C.D. Naylor
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF] |
ˇ Education |
154 |
Recommendations for the management of irritable bowel syndrome in family practice
W.G. Paterson, W.G. Thompson, S.J. Vanner, T.R. Faloon, W.W. Rosser, R.W. Birtwhistle, J.L. Morse, T.A. Touzel, and the IBS Consensus Conference Participants
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF] |
161 |
New-onset diabetes mellitus associated with protease inhibitor
therapy in an HIV-positive patient: case report and review
E.C.C. Lee, S. Walmsley, I.G. Fantus
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF] |
165 |
SmithLemliOpitz syndrome: a treatable inherited error of metabolism causing mental retardation
M.J.M. Nowaczyk, D.T. Whelan, T.W. Heshka, R.E. Hill
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF] |
174 |
De l'Oreille Gauche ˇ The Left Atrium [HTML / PDF] |
- Culture collision (book review by C. Richmond)
- S. McCutcheon witnesses an end-of-life decision
- Vincent van Gogh in the asylum at Saint-Rémy
Waiting lists have become controversial in Western Canada. In British Columbia, doctors complain that a waiting-list Web site created by the BC government is inaccurate (page 181). In Calgary, meanwhile, doctors have prepared a letter warning patients about the potential dangers posed by waiting lists (page 183). |
