le 10 août 1999 / August 10, 1999
JAMC 1999; 161(3)
© 1999 Association médicale canadienne / Canadian Medical Association
Avis important : À partir du numéro du 13 juillet 1999 du JAMC, la version intégrale de tous les articles du journal sera affichée sur le site web. Les articles seront également offerts en format PDF (portable document format). Pour consulter et imprimer un document PDF, vous aurez besoin du logiciel Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 3.0 et plus). Pour télécharger Acrobat (gratuitement) ou obtenir des renseignements additionnels, consulter le site web de Adobe Systems (www.adobe.com).
Dans ce
numéro · In this issue
Mot du rédacteur en chef · Editor's Preface |
229 |
Evidence-based mortality
[HTML / PDF] |
231 |
La moralité fondée sur des données probantes
Couverture :
Au Canada, ces dernières années, la durée d'hospitalisation des nouvelles mères a beaucoup diminué. Dans ce numéro, Michael Lock et Joel Ray examinent les répercussions de cette tendance sur la morbidité néonatale (page 249). |
237 |
Nouvelles et analyses · News and analysis [HTML / PDF] |
- Smog advisories in Ontario
- The Lancet likes us!
- Hearing help for musicians
- Pulse: Canada's greying population
- Research Update: Disagreement about the impact of electromagnetic fields
245 |
Correspondance · Letters [HTML / PDF]
Directives aux correspondants |
- Antibiotic prescribing rates
- Voice recognition software
- Prostate exams
- Detecting adverse drug reactions
- Name that doctor
- Flight 7 from Macedonia: trauma of a different sort lies ahead for Kosovar refugees [Clarification]
Études · Evidence |
249 |
Higher neonatal morbidity after routine early hospital discharge: Are we sending newborns home too early?
M. Lock, J.G. Ray
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF] |
255 |
Reference-based pricing of prescription drugs: exploring
the equivalence of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors
C. Bourgault, E. Elstein, J. Le Lorier,
S. Suissa
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF] |
265 |
Prevalence and predictors of white-coat response in patients
with treated hypertension
M.B. MacDonald, G.P. Laing, M.P. Wilson, T.W. Wilson
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF] |
· Education |
282 |
Oncology Rehabilitation Program at the Ottawa Regional Cancer
Centre: program description
R. Segal, W. Evans, D. Johnson, J. Smith, S.P. Colletta, L. Corsini, R. Reid
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF] |
286 |
Evaluating reference-based pricing: initial findings and prospects
L. Narine, M. Senathirajah, T. Smith
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF] |
290 |
Edmonton Regional Palliative Care Program: impact on patterns
of terminal cancer care
E. Bruera, C.M. Neumann, B. Gagnon, C. Brenneis, P. Kneisler, P. Selmser,
J. Hanson
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF] |
297 |
De l'Oreille Gauche · The Left Atrium [HTML / PDF] |
- Back on the hook (book review by M. Enkin and A. Jadad)
- The critical art of Honoré Daumier
- S. Neilson remembers Swissair flight 111
The CMA's new president spends most of his professional time in the operating room treating cardiac patients, but Dr. Hugh Scully (shown here at trackside) has also played a key role in making auto racing safer around the world. Scully, the first surgeon to head the CMA in 13 years, will assume the presidency later this month during the CMA's 132nd annual meeting (see page 303).
