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le 24 août 1999 / August 24, 1999

JAMC 1999; 161(4)

© 1999 Association médicale canadienne / Canadian Medical Association

Avis important : À partir du numéro du 13 juillet 1999 du JAMC, la version intégrale de tous les articles du journal sera affichée sur le site web. Les articles seront également offerts en format PDF (portable document format). Pour consulter et imprimer un document PDF, vous aurez besoin du logiciel Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 3.0 et plus). Pour télécharger Acrobat (gratuitement) ou obtenir des renseignements additionnels, consulter le site web de Adobe Systems (
Dans ce numéro · In this issue

    Communiqué de presse
    Sujets d'intérêt

  Mot du rédacteur en chef · Editor's Preface
357 Deaths, death notices, eulogies and obituaries
358 Décès, avis de décès, éloges funèbres et notices nécrologiques

Les soins à domicile jouent un rôle croissant dans notre système de santé. Ce numéro présente deux études qui examinent les visites à domicile effectuées par des médecins au Québec (page 369) et par des professionnels paramédicaux en Ontario (page 376).

361 Nouvelles et analyses · News and analysis [HTML / PDF]
  • Media coverage of health issues
  • Clean bill of health for vinyl toys
  • Dalhousie's ER docs get departmental status
  • Pulse: Looking for an alternative
  • Research Update: Spironolactone saves lives

365 Correspondance · Letters [HTML / PDF]
Directives aux correspondants
  • Considering the cost of CABG
  • Hospital in the home
  • Krever 2008
  • The economics of tobacco use
  • Whiplash cultures
  Études · Evidence
369 Which physicians make home visits and why? A survey
R. Bergeron, A. Laberge, L. Vézina, M. Aubin
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
376 Regional variations in the use of home care services in Ontario, 1993/95
P.C. Coyte, W. Young
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
381 Going the distance: the influence of practice location on the Ontario Maternal Serum Screening Program
J.A. Permaul-Woods, J.C. Carroll, A.J. Reid, C.A. Woodward, G. Ryan, S. Domb, S. Arbitman, B. Fallis, J. Kilthei
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
388 Confidential prescriber feedback and education to improve antibiotic use in primary care: a controlled trial
J.E. Hux, M.P. Melady, D. DeBoer
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
393 Assessing the quality of newspaper medical advice columns for elderly readers
F.J. Molnar, M. Man-Son-Hing, W.B. Dalziel, S.L. Mitchell, B.E. Power, A.M. Byszewski, P. St. John
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

  Éditoriaux · Editorials
397 Who's afraid of the newspaper advice column?
V. Entwistle
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
399 Voting ourselves rights: a critique of the Canadian Medical Association Charter for Physicians
N. Kenny, C. Weijer, F. Baylis
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
400 Why physicians need a charter
D. MacCarthy
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

  Éducation · Education
405 Tuberculosis: 9. Treatment
E. Hershfield
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
413 Elevated levels of serum creatinine: recommendations for management and referral
D.C. Mendelssohn, B.J. Barrett; L.M. Brownscombe, J. Ethier, D.E. Greenberg, S.D. Kanani, A. Levin, E.B. Toffelmire
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

418 De l'Oreille Gauche · The Left Atrium [HTML / PDF]
  • Suicide and survival (book review by P.S. Links)
  • R. Patterson fends off some bullies
  • Early medical photography
  • W. Seufert on barber surgeons ·
423 Pulling the shades on Internet data thieves

  Chroniques · Features
424 Leak of abortion information creates turmoil at Foothills
R. Cairney
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
426 There's a new sheriff at Tunney's Pasture
C. Gray
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
428 Alberta MDs line up against "antiphysician" billing restrictions
B. Sibbald
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
429 Consumers rush to buy wares at Canada's travelling "health show"
J. Hass
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

463 Nécrologie · Deaths

  Gens de cœur · Heart and Soul
464 Marathon canoeing: First, bring lots of NSAIDs
M. OReilly
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

First there was marathon running, and now there's marathon canoeing. For Dr. Scot Saltstone of Powassan, Ont., marathon canoeing means paddling 65 km in 7 hours. And he actually enjoys it (page 464).

Politique de l'AMC  ·  CMA Policy
  · Charte des médecins de l'Association médicale canadienne
  · Canadian Medical Association Charter for Physicians