eLetters: Some Professionals take this seriously
In response to: Pathology in the Hundred Acre Wood: a neurodevelopmental perspective on A.A. Milne
Irving Cutsman
Affiliation: None
Posted on: February 12, 2001
What the responses to the article reveal is that there are many professionals who take themselves and their profession so seriously that they are in fact blind to the satire in it. They could read it entirely as a serious scholarly article, and would only argue about the finer points of the diagnosis.
This reveals a disturbing element where the sense of humor is missing. This is merely annoying by itself, but the seriousness of the matter of over prescription and diagnosis of diseases in others reveals a sort of weird cross between hypochondria and paranoia. This is the tendency to imagine all sorts of ailments, not in oneself, but in others. This would be dangerous in the profession of psychiatry.
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