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eLetters: Mandatory Immunization
In response to: Mass influenza vaccination in Ontario: Is it worthwhile?

Ian McClelland

Posted on: January 15, 2001

While the debate on effectivenes continues the issue of mandatory immunization is neglected. Ontario's Paramedics have been forced to submit to mandatory immunization or risk losing their job and livelihood. It is one thing to provide and promote mass immunization to protect the public while forcing a small segment of Health Care Workers to recieve the Influenza Vaccination. Even worse Paramedics are forced to sign waivers releasing the employer from any resposibility should the paramedics experience any adverse events from immunization.

When will the Province of Ontario develop an appropriate vaccine reaction reporting network. It is difficult to determine what constitutes a reaction and more difficult to determine the occurance of reaction when no formal reporting mechanism exists. Quebec has a mandatory reporting system.

How would you answer these questions

  1. Would you expect that forced immunization of Ontario's Paramedics will have any effect on the epidemiology of influenza?
  2. Do you think it is appropriate to threaten the livelihood of a select group of Health Care Workers given the controversy of safety and efficacy?
  3. Is it against our constitutional rights to be forced to submit to medical acts against our will.
  4. Is it appropriate for physicians to initiate medical procedures on patients (paramedics) under duress?

Ian McClelland



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