eLetters: Kanga is clearly an overinvolved mother
In response to: Pathology in the Hundred Acre Wood: a neurodevelopmental perspective on A.A. Milne
M. Warshaw
Email: mwarshaw@maveric.org
Affiliation: MA Veterans Epidemiology Research and Information Center
Posted on: February 8, 2001
Thank you for this insightful article. I especially appreciated the authors' acuity in realizing that Rabbit has missed the profession he is clearly meant for.
That said, they clearly missed that not only is Kanga an overinvolved mother, she clearly has an unhealthy Freudian involvement with her son, as evidenced by her insistence on having him sleep in her pouch rather than putting him in his own bed in a separate room. (written by a single mom with a son ;^)
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