CMAJ Readers' Forum

Keeping cash flowing

Online posting: April 11, 1997
Published in print: May. 15, 1997 (CMAJ 1997;156:1382)
Re: Different views on privatization, by Paul Leger, CMAJ 1997;156:770-1 [full text]
I read Dr. Paul Leger's letter with great interest. I fail to understand why we do not institute patient copayments in Canada, since nearly every patient I speak with is in favour of them. I do not believe that they will significantly restrict supply or cut down on unnecessary visits, but they would supply some cash flow. If we do not ask for copayments, why not ask patients to pay the GST? That would actually generate income and allow us to do what every other business in Canada is allowed to do -- write off the GST on purchases we make while running a business?

Tamison Doey, MD
Essex, Ontario

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