Canadian Medical Association Journal /
Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

May 15, 1997 / Le 15 mai 1997

CMAJ 1997; 156 (10)

© 1997 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne

Contents / Table des matières

1365 - Editor's preface
1367 - Mot du rédacteur en chef

1371 - News and analysis / Nouvelles et analyses

1377 - Letters / Correspondance [Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants]

Evidence / Études
1387 - Alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use among Nova Scotia adolescents: implications for prevention and harm reduction, C. Poulin, D. Elliott [full text / résumé]

Editorials / Éditoriaux
1397 - Reducing the harm of adolescent substance use, P.G. Erickson [full text / résumé]
1401 - The Krever inquiry: time to drop the appeals, J. Hoey [full text / résumé]

Education / Éducation
1405 - Bioethics for clinicians: 11. Euthanasia and assisted suicide, J.V. Lavery, B.M. Dickens, J.M. Boyle, P.A. Singer [full text / résumé]
1411 - A guide to interpreting discordant systematic reviews, A.R. Jadad, D.J. Cook, G.P. Browman [abstract / résumé]
1419 - Faculty development in Canadian medical schools: a 10-year update, P.J. McLeod, Y. Steinert, L. Nasmith, L. Conochie [abstract / résumé]

Experience / Expérience
1425 - Calling the boys home, I.A. Cameron

Public health / Santé publique
1427 - Hepatitis C, P.R. Gully, M.L. Tepper [full text]
1429 - L'hépatite C, P.R. Gully, M.L. Tepper [texte complet]

Features / Chroniques
1433 - Promises, promises, C. Gray [full text / en bref]
1438 - Health care as an election issue: Alberta's experience, R. Cairney [full text / en bref]
1441 - In Hong Kong, smokers are butting out in record numbers, J. Rae Brooks [full text / en bref]
1446 - Multiculturalism and AIDS: different communities mean different educational messages required, O. Lechky [full text / en bref]
1449 - Innovations making CME more clinically relevant, attractive, K. Cottrell [in brief / en bref]
1454 - The health risks of new-wave vegetarianism, L. Brydges Szabo
1457 - Evidence-based medicine designed to save physicians time, energy, FPs told, M. OReilly [full text / en bref]
1459 - Confusion surrounding repetitive strain injury highlighted at conference, A. Silversides [full text / en bref]

1359 - Deaths / Nécrologie

Pulse / Médicogramme
1512 - Regulating the price of patented drugs / La réglementation du prix des médicaments brevetés

1462 - Books and other media / Livres et autres documents
  • A Design for the Future of Health Care
  • McGill Medicine: The First Half Century, 1829-1885
  • Pain in the Elderly
  • Images in Psychiatry: Canada
1465 - /

Resources / Ressources

1466 - Conferences / Conférences
1468 - Advertisers' index / Index des annonceurs
1468 - Prescribing index / Index de l'information sur les ordonnances
1497 - Service information / Renseignements aux lecteurs
1498 - Classified advertising / Annonces classées

ISSN 0820-3946 156 (10) 1361­1512 (1997)

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