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eLetters: Real reason for article?
In response to: Pathology in the Hundred Acre Wood: a neurodevelopmental perspective on A.A. Milne

Gravey Dice
Affiliation: None
Posted on: January 8, 2001

Having a look at this, I figure there may be a sinister hidden agenda behind this article.

It was really written to study the mind-boggling idiocy of people who are let loose in the electronic world. An incredibly well-written, insightful and humorous article has been the catalyst for a barrage of poorly written responses from people who are seemingly unable to comprehend this style of humour.

Such insidious psychological studies of people whose agreement has not been obtained, and are generally unaware that they are in fact part of a study sets a dangerous precendent and ought to be exposed for the sham it is.

Oh - by the way - I am joking (....or am I......)



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