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eLetters: Poor Pooh Pooh
In response to: Pathology in the Hundred Acre Wood: a neurodevelopmental perspective on A.A. Milne

Kim Murray
Affiliation: None
Posted on: April 18, 2001

Well. I guess if you wanted to deeply exam any story you will find - oh no - not - it can't be... my goodness - you find CHARACTERS! How the heck can we stop this? Good lord... I certainly hope this study was not paid for by any university or government organization. It pains me to think that adults need to read things into children's stories. Oh but wait. Maybe I am being to harsh. Maybe they are right? Yes that's it - and it all stems from the fact that the authors read far too many Winnie The Pooh books when they were children! In fact, human problems are not connected to social difficulties or to parental abuse... it all stems from Winnie the Pooh!



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