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eLetters: Is Everything a Disorder Now?
In response to: Pathology in the Hundred Acre Wood: a neurodevelopmental perspective on A.A. Milne

Vikram Rangala
Affiliation: University of Florida
Posted on: December 19, 2000

I realize this was done in fun, but it still bothers me. Too many of the normal developmental behaviors of children now get diagnosed as disorders and treated with powerful, inadequately tested drugs. Most of those kids just need a change in their lifestyle and more attention and love from their parents. A change to the Zone Diet, coupled with meditation, has been shown to eliminate ADHD in most kids. Unfortunately, a lot of real-life kids, like Pooh with his honey, get too much sugar in their diets, and too little parental love. And instead of correcting these things and being patient, parents and their complicit doctors would rather drug them into Ritalin-induced manageability. Underneath the humor of this article I heard echoes of that chilling form of medical child-abuse. It is an extreme step to give strong drugs to children. It should not be so easy to contemplate, let alone joke about.



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