Bioethics for clinicians
This series is intended to elucidate key concepts in bioethics and to help clinicians to integrate bioethical knowledge into daily practice. These articles are written by scholars in medicine, ethics and law. The first set of articles was published in CMAJ between 1996 and 1998 and formed the basis of a book entitled Bioethics at the Bedside: a Clinician's Guide. A new set of articles, launched in CMAJ in 2000, includes several essays that tackle the complex issues that arise from the cultural diversity of the context in which Canadian physicians practise.
The cases in the Bioethics for clinicians series reflect the authors' experience and are not intended to refer to any particular case.
- Consent
- Disclosure
- Capacity
- Voluntariness
- Substitute decision-making
- Advance care planning
- Truth telling
- Confidentiality
- Involving children in medical decisions
- Research ethics
- Euthanasia and assisted suicide
- Ethical dilemmas that arise in the care of pregnant women: rethinking "maternalfetal conflicts"
- Resource allocation
- Ethics and genetics in medicine
- Quality end-of-life care
- Dealing with demands for inappropriate treatment
- Conflict of interest in research, education and patient care
- Aboriginal cultures
- Hinduism and Sikhism
- Chinese bioethics
- Islamic bioethics
- Jewish bioethics
- Disclosure of medical error
- Brain death
- Teaching bioethics in the clinical setting
- Assisted reproductive technologies
- Catholic bioethics