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Clinical Basics - Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is about fear, sex, indignity and death. A growing number of our patients will need support in coping with these issues. They will need the best available information to help them to make informed choices with regard to screening, diagnosis, treatment, symptom management and palliation. Under the editorship of Dr. Neill A. Iscoe, medical oncologist with the Toronto­Sunnybrook Regional Cancer Centre, and Dr. Michael Jewett, chairman of the Department of Urology, University of Toronto, the Clinical Basics prostate cancer series will provide physicians with a reliable and accessible source of that information. Written by experts from across Canada, the 13 articles in the series give a comprehensive overview of all aspects of prostate cancer, from epidemiology, through causes to therapy, complications and palliation.

This 13-part series was made possible in part
by an unrestricted educational grant from

Pharmacia & Upjohn Inc.

  1. The descriptive epidemiology in Canada (vol. 159, no. 5)
  2. Natural history (vol. 159, no. 6)
  3. Individual risk factors (vol. 159, no. 7)
  4. Screening (vol. 159, no. 8)
  5. Diagnostic tools for early detection (vol. 159, no. 9)
  6. Surgical treatment of localized disease (vol. 159, no. 10)
  7. Radiation therapy for localized disease (vol. 159, no. 11)
  8. Urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction (vol. 160, no. 1)
  9. Treatment of advanced disease (vol. 160, no. 2)
  10. Palliative care (vol. 160, no. 3)
  11. Alternative approaches and the future of treatment (vol. 160, no. 4)
  12. The economic burden (vol. 160, no. 5)
  13. Whose prostate is it anyway (vol. 160, no. 6)