Internet information on travel medicine

Canadian Medical Association Journal 1996; 154: 142


The article "Resources available to help family physicians provide advice to travellers" (CMAJ 1995; 153: 996-998 [full text/résumé]), by Olga Lechky, was interesting and useful. However, the sidebar on travel resources was disappointing.

Lechky points out the value of keeping up to date in a rapidiy changing field. However, referring physicians to a resource such as the Canadian Immunization Guide is almost useless, since it is published only every 4 years. The Canada Communicable Disease Report FAXlink service is slightly more useful, but it is a long-distance call for most physicians in Canada.

The article should have mentioned resources available on the Internet. After all, on the last page of the article is an advertisement for CMA Online!

Here are a few useful Internet sites for physicians who need up-to-the-minute information on world travel.

Incidentally, I think that CMAJ should seriously consider including the email addresses of authors and correspondents. This would certainly facilitate intraprofessional correspondence.

Sandy J. Murray, BSc, MD, CCFP
Red Deer, Alta.
Received via email

Physicians who are aware of useful resources on the Internet are encouraged to contact CMAJ or CMA Online so that we can publish the addresses of these sites, on paper or electronically. CMAJ has recently begun to publish the email address, if the author provides it, for corresponding authors of scientific articles. We do not normally publish addresses of authors of letters to the editor; however, an email address may be printed upon request. Authors of letters should indicate whether they wish to have their email address published. They are reminded that submitting letters by email is inexpensive and efficient and ensures prompt attention to their submission. As well, in this issue of CMAJ we have started to indicate letters received via email after the author's name. -- Ed.

CMAJ January 15, 1996 (vol 154, no 2)