Canadian Medical Association Journal / Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

January 15, 1996 / Le 15 janvier 1996

CMAJ 1996; 154 (2)

Contents / Table des matières

Editor's Page / Page du rédacteur
135 - Learning from tragedy [full text]; Tirer des leçons d'une tragédie [texte complet], B.P. Squires

139 - Letters / Correspondance [Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants]

Advances in Genetics / Progrès en génétique
149 - Genetic counselling and testing for susceptibility to breast, ovarian and colon cancer: Where are we today?, D.E.C. Cole, S. Gallinger, D.R. McCready, B. Rosen, J. Engel, D. Malkin [abstract / résumé]

New Program / Nouveau programme
159 - Mobilizing physicians to conduct clinical intervention in tobacco use through a medical-association program: 5 years' experience in British Columbia, F. Bass [full text / résumé]

Original Research / Nouveautés en recherche
165 - Abortion induced with methotrexate and misoprostol, E.R. Wiebe [full text / résumé]
171 - Factors influencing the emigration of physicians from Canada to the United States, R.J.R. McKendry, G.A. Wells, P. Dale, O. Adams, L. Buske, J. Strachan, L. Flor [full text / résumé]

Editorials / Éditoriaux
185 - Medical abortion: What does the research tell us?, L.E. Ferris, A.S.H. Basinski [full text / résumé]
191 - Yes, Minister, Canadians need strong tobacco-control legislation now!, D.J. Walters, D. MacKenzie [full text / résumé]

Science in Medicine / Science médicale
193 - Inhibiting calpain, rescuing cells, A. Robinson [full text / résumé]

207 - Clinical Digest

210 - Sélection d'articles cliniques

221 - At a Glance / Aperçu

Special Report / Document
223 - A surgeon with AIDS made the most of borrowed time, N. Robb [abstract / résumé]

Opinion / Avis
226 - Doctor, you're in tobacco sales! F. Bass [full text / résumé]

Viewpoint / Point de vue
228 - Our acceptance of the status quo for smoking should be a source of national shame, J. Acres [full text / résumé]

Smoking and Health / Le tabagisme et la santé
230 - Tough tobacco-control legislation begins to have an impact in Ontario, B. Gibson [full text / résumé]

Capital Accounts / Nouvelles de la capitale
233 - The National Forum on Health is talking, but is anybody listening? C. Gray [full text / résumé]

Health Care / Les soins
236 - Global spread of TB worrying trend for Canadian physicians, R. Cairney [full text / résumé]

Association News / À l'écoute de l'AMC
239 - Professional unity to be a key focus for CMA in 1996, P. Sullivan [full text / résumé]
240 - Sidebar: CMA eyes broader markets as development of new publications continues [full text]

Logie Essay / Dissertation Logie
241 - Ethical boundaries in genetics testing, D. Allan [full text / résumé]

Association News / À l'écoute de l'AMC
245 - Revolutionary changes facing medicine focus of CMA's 1996 leadership conference, J. Rafuse [full text]

Viewpoint / Point de vue
246 - Madeleine's death, G. Hunter [abstract / résumé]

145 - Conferences / Conférences

199 - Books and other media / Livres et autres documents

214 - Call for papers: Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine

215 - Demande de communications: Journal canadien de la médecine rurale

216 - Directory of CMA Contacts

217 - Répertoire des personnes-ressources de l'AMC

220 - Service Information / Renseignements aux lecteurs

250 - Therapeutic Index / Index thérapeutique

274 - Classified Advertising / Annonces classées

288 - Advertisers' Index / Index des annonceurs

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