Inhibiting calpain, rescuing cells

Alex Robinson

Canadian Medical Association Journal 1996; 154: 193-195

Alex Robinson is a freelance medical writer working in Ottawa.


Drs. John Elce and Peter Davies, biochemists at Queen's University, Kingston, Ont., are investigating the molecular structure of calpain, an enzyme that has been implicated in the cellular damage that occurs after such events as myocardial infarction and stroke. This damage is precipitated by an imbalance in the regulation of calpain that arises as an indirect result of ischemia. Elce and Davies hope that their research, which involves techniques such as recombinant DNA technology and x-ray crystallography, will lead to the development of a calpain inhibitor that will prevent such damage from occurring and enhance recovery.
| CMAJ January 15, 1996 (vol 154, no 2) |