Will gym-class cuts mean out-of-shape kids?

The Coalition for Quality Daily Physical Education (QDPE), of which the CMA is a member, warns that schools are ignoring students' health when they cut daily physical-education classes in an effort to pare education spending. "Physical-education consultants, specialists and programs are being cut across the country," says QDPE director John Belfry, "but the education system is the only venue in which we can reach every child and create a positive change through participation in a healthy, active lifestyle." Belfry says many children lead sedentary lives, spending an average 26 hours a week watching television and another 25 to 30 hours at a school desk.

"School boards and governments are ignoring the basics of education when they cut physical education," added Belfry. QDPE is seeking a sponsor to distribute a poster/brochure package to parents. The QDPE program is administered by the Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation and Dance, a national group that develops physical-education programs and resources for schools.

| CMAJ June 1, 1996 (vol 154, no 11)