Canadian Medical Association Journal / Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

June 1, 1996 / Le 1er juin 1996

CMAJ 1996; 154 (11)

Contents / Table des matières

1615 - Editor's Page / Page du rédacteur
Abuse and the profession; La profession et les abus, B.P. Squires

1619 Letters / Correspondance [Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants]

Clinical Practice Guidelines / Guides de pratique clinique
1631 - Periodic health examination, 1996 update: 2. Screening for chlamydial infections, H.D. Davies, E.E.L. Wang, with the Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination [full text / résumé]

Prescribing Practices / Pratiques d'ordonnance
1649 - Physician prescribing practices: What do we know? Where do we go? How do we get there?, A.O. Carter, D. Strachan, Y. Appiah [full text / résumé]

Original Research / Nouveautés en recherche
1657 - Residents' experiences of abuse, discrimination and sexual harassment during residency training, D.J. Cook, J.F. Liutkus, C.L. Risdon, L.E. Griffith, G.H. Guyatt, S.D. Walter, for the McMaster University Residency Training Programs [abstract / résumé]
1669 - Canadian Atrial Fibrillation Anticoagulation Study: Were the patients subsequently treated with warfarin?, A. Laupacis, K. Sullivan, and the Canadian Atrial Fibrillation Anticoagulation Study Group [abstract / résumé]
1677 - Factors associated with immediate abortion complications, L.E. Ferris, M. McMain-Klein, N. Colodny, G.F. Fellows, J. Lamont [abstract / résumé]

Case Report / Étude de cas
1689 - Hepatitis after the use of germander, a herbal remedy, L. Laliberté, J.-P. Villeneuve [abstract / résumé]

Editorial Policy / Politique rédactionnelle
1695 - Reporting on surveys: information for authors and peer reviewers, P. Huston [full text]
1700 - Rapports d'enquête : Renseignements à l'intention des auteurs et des évaluateurs, P. Huston [texte complet]

Editorial / Éditorial
1705 - Abuse of residents: It's time to take action, M.F. Myers [abstract / résumé]

Image of the Profession / L'image de la profession
1711 - Uroscopy; L'uroscopie, W.D. Seufert

1719 - At a Glance / Aperçu

Public Health / Santé publique
1721 - "I think we have a problem in Victoria": MDs respond quickly to toxoplasmosis outbreak in BC, A. Mullens [in brief / en bref]

Perspectives / Optique
1725 - Will operate for food, R. Patterson [in brief / en bref]

Education / Éducation

1731 - McGill makes Canada's first attempt to put medical curriculum in computerized format, J. Hamilton [full text / en bref]

Computers / Informatique
1733 - Canadian firm's software helps physicians diagnose fetal abnormalities, D. Spurgeon [in brief / en bref]

Viewpoint / Point de vue
1737 - Conflict of interest, physicians and physiotherapy, M. Waldman [in brief / en bref]

Vista / Panorama
1740 - Who said Prohibition was behind us?, D. Waugh

International Medicine / Médecine internationale
1742 - US not the only country luring Canadian MDs, S. Wharry

The Law / Questions juridiques
1744 - Issue of fraud raised as MD self-referral comes under spotlight in Ontario, L. Cohen [full text / en bref]

Health Care / Les soins
1747 - Sale of prescribing data by pharmacists causes growing concern among physicians, N. Robb [in brief / en bref]

History / Promenade dans le passé
1751 - Winnipeg urologist at home in operating room and on Civil War battlefields, P. Johnston [in brief / en bref]

Health Care / Les soins
1755 - Concerns about increasing use of ambulatory care raised at QMA annual meeting, S. Wharry [full text / en bref]

Special Report / Document
1757 - Would you recommend a medical career to your children?,
C. Johnston [in brief / en bref]

Cover Story / En manchette
1760 - Physician-patient privilege: the legal assault continues, M. McPhedran [full text / en bref]

1628 - Conferences / Conférences

1715 - Continuing Medical Education / Éducation médicale continue

1763 - Therapeutic Index / Index thérapeutique

1802 - Classified Advertising / Annonces classées

1816 - Advertisers' Index / Index des annonceurs

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