Books and other media

Canadian Medical Association Journal 1996; 155: 421

Aboriginal Health in Canada: Historical, Cultural, and Epidemiological Perspectives

James B. Waldram, D. Ann Herring and T. Kue Young. 334 pp. Illust. University of Toronto Press, Toronto. 1995. $18.95 (US). ISBN 0-8020-6887-1

AIDS and the Public Debate

Edited by Caroline Hannaway, Victoria A. Harden and John Parascandola. 224 pp. IOS Press, Van Diemenstraat 94, 1013 CN Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 1995. $70 (US). ISBN 90-5199-190-8

A World Growing Old: the Coming Health Care Challenges

Edited by Daniel Callahan, Ruud H.J. ter Meulen and Eva Topinková. Hastings Centre Studies in Ethics. Series edited by Mark J. Hanson and Daniel Callahan. 173 pp. Georgetown University Press, Washington. 1995. $42.50 (US). ISBN 0-87840-591-7

The Law of Consent to Treatment in Ontario

Brian F. Hoffman. 212 pp. Butterworths, Markham, Ont. 1995. $67.50. ISBN 0-433-39138-3

Look to This Day: a Complete Guide to Health and Well-Being in Your Later Years

Evelyne Michaels. 288 pp. Illust. Key Porter Books Ltd. 1995. $32.95. ISBN 1-55013-690-9

Taking Charge of your Fertility: the Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control and Pregnancy Achievement

Toni Weschler. 382 pp. Illust. HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., New York; HarperCollins Canada Ltd., Toronto. 1995. $28. ISBN 0-06-095053-6

| CMAJ August 15, 1996 (vol 155, no 4) |