Canadian Medical Association Journal / Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

August 15, 1996 / Le 15 août 1996

CMAJ 1996; 155 (4)

Contents / Table des matières

Editor's Page / Page du rédacteur
363 - Ethics in evolution; L'éthique en pleine évolution, P. Huston

367 - Letters / Correspondance [Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants]

Preventive Medicine / Médecine préventive
377 - Prevention. How much harm? How much benefit? 4. The ethics of informed consent for preventive screening programs, K.G. Marshall [abstract / résumé]

Ethical Issues / Éthique et déontologie
387 - Bioethics for clinicians: 2. Disclosure, E. Etchells, G. Sharpe, M.M. Burgess, P.A. Singer [full text / résumé]

Original Research / Nouveautés en recherche
395 - How many general surgeons do you need in rural areas? Three approaches to physician resource planning in southern Manitoba, N. Roos, C. Black, J. Wade, K. Decker [abstract / résumé]

Debate / Débat
404 - The alluring myth of private medicine, M. Gordon, P.B. Berger [abstract / résumé]

407 - The benefits of privatization, V. Dirnfeld [abstract / résumé]

Science in Medicine / Science médicale
413 - Zoonotic diseases in Canada: an interdisciplinary challenge, J. Hamilton [abstract / résumé]

428 - International Digest

430 - Sélection internationale

435 - At a Glance / Aperçu

Capital Accounts / Nouvelles de la capitale
437 - Medical fund took off like a rocket, but will budget bring it down to earth?, C. Gray [in brief / en bref]

Special Report / Document
442 - New draft code for research involving humans proved a major challenge, N. Baer [full text / en bref]

History / Promenade dans le passé
445 - The Jenkins of Charlottetown, W. Whelan [in brief / en bref]

Cover Story
451 - "Don't let others design your future," new CMA president tells physicians, N. Robb

En manchette
454 - «Ne laissez pas quelqu'un d'autre orienter votre avenir», déclare la nouvelle présidente de l'AMC aux médecins, N. Robb

Case File / Dossier juridique
458 - Physicians and the minefield surrounding informed consent, K. Capen [in brief / en bref]

History / Promenade dans le passé
461 - Eye Bank's success due to vision of its founders, P. Wilton [in brief / en bref]

Medical Practice / Pratique médicale
463 - Education, practice reviews needed to reduce surgical intervention, Quebec report says, J. Rafuse [in brief / en bref]

465 - Deaths / Avis de décès

375 - Conferences / Conférences

421 - Books and Other Media / Livres et autres documents

432 - Acknowledgement of Scientific Reviewers / Remerciements aux examinateurs - scientifiques

467 - Therapeutic Index / Index thérapeutique

490 - Classified Advertising / Annonces classées

496 - Advertisers' Index / Index des annonceurs

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