CMAJ/JAMC News and analysis
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Alberta homes declared smoke-free

CMAJ 1997;156:1691
Up to 25 000 Edmonton households could be declared smoke-free thanks to a community-based project sponsored by 21 organizations, including the Alberta Medical Association. Residents are challenged to register their home's smoke-free status in exchange for a resource kit and a chance to win a trip to Disneyland, the AMA's Alberta Doctors' Digest reports.

The "Clear the air: Make your home smoke-free" project relies on posters, media advertising and one-on-one reinforcement through physicians and other health professionals. If successful in Edmonton, the program may be expanded across the province.

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| CMAJ June 15, 1997 (vol 156, no 12) / JAMC le 15 juin 1997 (vol 156, no 12) |