Canadian Medical Association Journal /
Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

June 15, 1997 / Le 15 juin 1997

CMAJ 1997; 156 (12)

© 1997 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne

Contents / Table des matières

1685 - Editor's preface
1687 - Mot du rédacteur en chef

1689 - News and analysis / Nouvelles et analyses

1695 - Letters / Correspondance [Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants]

Evidence / Études
1705 - The effects of clinical practice guidelines on patient outcomes in primary care: a systematic review, G. Worrall, P. Chaulk, D. Freake
1715 - Canadian physicians' attitudes about and preferences regarding clinical practice guidelines, R.S.A. Hayward, G.H. Guyatt, K.-A. Moore, A. McKibbon, A.O. Carter [full text / résumé]

Editorial / Éditorial
1725 - Clinical practice guidelines on trial, R.S.A. Hayward [full text / résumé]

Education / Éducation
1729 - Bioethics for clinicians: 12. Ethical dilemmas that arise in the care of pregnant women: rethinking "maternal­fetal conflicts", E. Flagler, F. Baylis, S. Rodgers [full text / résumé]

Experience / Expérience
1733 - Death by coronary: for a physician with the signature scar of the CABG club, a friend's death brings not only grief but also memories and fear, D. Rapoport

Public health / Santé publique
1735 - Viral hepatitis: Know your D, E, F and Gs, M.L. Tepper, P.R. Gully [full text]
1737 - L'hépatite virale : Connaître ses D, E, F et G, M.L. Tepper, P.R. Gully [texte complet]

Features / Chroniques
1739 - For first time, unemployment line awaits group of new Canadian specialists, P. Sullivan [full text / en bref]
1742 - Hospital evacuated, mental-health issues dominated as Manitoba coped with flood of century, D. Square [full text / en bref]
1746 - Dissemination of research results to clinicians an art in itself, A. Silversides [full text / en bref]
1748 - Are the lean days for research funding finally coming to an end?, C. Gray [full text / en bref]

1783 - Deaths / Nécrologie

Pulse / Médicogramme
1784 - Our disappearing hospital beds / Nos lits d'hôpitaux qui disparaissent

1751 - Books and other media / Livres et autres documents
1753 - /

Resources / Ressources

1754 - Conferences / Conférences
1755 - Advertisers' index / Index des annonceurs
1755 - Prescribing index / Index de l'information sur les ordonnances
1770 - Service information / Renseignements aux lecteurs
1771 - Classified advertising / Annonces classées

ISSN 0820-3946 156 (12) 1681­1784 (1997)

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