Canadian physicians' attitudes about and preferences regarding clinical practice guidelines


Table 6: Opinions of respondents about CPGs
Statement about CPGs Response; no. (and %*) of respondents
Strongly disagree/disagree NeutralAgree/strongly agreeNo response
Likely to be used for quality-assurance review 101  (7)427  (26) 1197  (67) 153
Development motivated by desire to improve quality of care184  (10)464  (27) 1083  (63)147
Likely to be used in physician disciplinary action 249  (17)418  (23) 1062  (60)149
Development motivated by desire to cut costs 274  (15)485  (30) 965  (55)154
Convenient source of advice217  (12) 660  (35)857  (53) 144
Good education tool251  (11) 692  (38)773  (51) 162
Unbiased synthesis of expert opinion409  (23) 820  (45)572  (32) 77
Too rigid to apply to individual patients 635  (39)650  (35) 436  (26)157
Challenge to physician autonomy843  (48) 509  (29)364  (23) 162
Oversimplified or "cookbook" medicine 649  (43) 607  (38) 453  (22)169
*Percentages may not total 100 because of weighting by sample strata.

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