Canadian physicians' attitudes about and preferences regarding clinical practice guidelines


Table 8: Respondents' rating of importance of various factors in deciding whether to adopt a set of guidelines
FactorLevel of importance; no. (and %*) of respondents
Least important Somewhat importantMost important No response
Endorsement by respected colleague117  (7) 285  (15)1330  (78) 146
User friendliness of CPG format190  (10) 496  (28)1021  (62) 171
Endorsement by organization to which physician belongs 150  (10)451  (28) 1135  (62)142
Implications for legal liability213  (12) 506  (27)1009  (61) 150
Endorsement by more than 1 major organization 201  (11)511  (33) 1014  (56)152
Consistency with predominant local practice 273  (12)590  (33) 861  (55)154
Cost to society375  (22) 649  (37)688  (41) 166
Cost to the patient497  (31) 661  (35)559  (34) 161
Time required to explain CPGs to patients 644  (33)615  (35) 454  (32)165
Reimbursement for recommended service838  (46) 577  (33)296  (21) 167
*Percentages may not total 100 because of weighting by sample strata.

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| CMAJ June 15, 1997 (vol 156, no 12) / JAMC le 15 juin 1997 (vol 156, no 12) |
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