Canadian physicians' attitudes about and preferences regarding clinical practice guidelines


Table 9: Respondents' rating of usefulness of various formats in which to present CPGs in order to make them more accessible
FormatLevel of usefulness; no. (and %*) of respondents
Least usefulSomewhat useful Most usefulNo response
Short pamphlet summarizing guidelines280  (16) 404  (22)1026  (62) 168
Official manual containing several recent CPGs 296  (17)502  (27) 924  (56)156
Journal article describing new guidelines 293  (18)545  (32) 893  (50)147
Pocket card summarizing guidelines504  (26) 426  (24)788  (50) 160
Flow chart or clinical algorithm547  (27) 504  (29)669  (44) 158
Table comparing various CPGs on similar topic 459  (24)613  (35) 633  (41)173
Systematic review418  (25) 608  (33)679  (42) 173
National directory513  (28) 580  (32)617  (40) 168
Workshop525  (29) 565  (33)634  (38) 154
Computer database of major CPGs665  (41) 489  (27)562  (32) 162
*Percentages may not total 100 because of weighting by sample strata.

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