

Financial and geographic barriers to fee-for-service practice

CMAJ 1997;156(4):616

© 1997 Canadian Medical Association

Financial and geographic barriers to fee-for-service practice
Newfoundland New GP/FPs receive 50% of fee if they locate in oversupplied area.
P.E.I.Province has an approved complement of physicians; MDs without hospital privileges receive 50% of fee.
N.S.Billing numbers restricted to defined geographic location. MDs who change practice location require a new billing number. Billing numbers may be rescinded if MD judged to be inactive because of low billings.
N.B.Specific targets for each region; billing numbers dependent on hospital privileges.
QuebecGP/FPs: if less than 10 years in practice, fees reduced 30% unless MD spends time every week on specific activities; physicians in metropolitan areas paid 70% of fee for first 3 years.
Specialists: if in university region, new physicians paid at 70-80% of fee until fifth year of practice; if in intermediate region, 75-85% until fourth year of practice; if in outlying area, 85-95% until fourth year (20% premium on first 3 years).
OntarioUnder interim agreement, fees for new physicians in specified urban centres paid at 70%, 75% and 80% of fee for first 3 years in practice.
ManitobaFixed quantity of billing numbers; new physicians are issued provisional numbers.
SaskatchewanGeographic restrictions on physicians immigrating from other countries; no restrictions on Canadian graduates except in Saskatoon.
AlbertaNo barriers.
B.C.New physicians receive 50%, 75% or 100% of fees based on location until they have 100 points. Physicians earn 20 points per year of practice, and up to 20 additional points per year for work in isolated areas.
YukonAll new physicians paid 50% of fee unless prior approval has been obtained.
N.W.T.No barriers.

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