Brochure on air-bag safety available
CMAJ 1997;156:972
© 1997 Canadian Medical Association
Public concern about automobile air bags has been growing in the wake of reports of injury and death caused by air-bag deployment (Buckle up and put the children in the back. CMAJ 1997;156:857 [full text / texte complet]). In response, Transport Canada has published an illustrated brochure on how air bags work, proper seat adjustment, seat-belt use and the placement of children. The brochure can be reproduced in whole or in part for patients; it is available by calling 800 333-0371, or 613 998-8616 in the Ottawa region.
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| CMAJ April 1, 1997 (vol 156, no 7)
/ JAMC le 1er avril 1997 (vol 156, no 7) |