

Cumulative patient profiles

CMAJ 1997;156:1121
Dr. Richard Tytus and I read with great interest the article "Physicians who keep lax records put careers in danger, college course warns" (CMAJ 1996;155:1469-72 [in brief / en bref]), by Dee Kramer. Because we are involved with the Practice Management Committee of the Hamilton Academy of Medicine, we responded to members' requests by developing a series of patient-record-management sheets, the cornerstone of which is the cumulative patient profile. As is evident from the cumulative patient profile form presented with Kramer's article, the most recent update of this form was by the University of Toronto in 1977. We designed our sheets to reflect current concerns and provide versatility for individual physicians. Physicians who would like to receive a sample copy can contact me. Multiple copies can be obtained from Colwell Systems, tel. 800 265-3375.

Michael J. Pray, MD
Harbour Commissioners Building
102­605 James St. N
Hamilton ON
L8L 1J9

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| CMAJ April 15, 1997 (vol 156, no 8) / JAMC le 15 avril 1997 (vol 156, no 8) |