Canadian Medical Association Journal /
Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

April 15, 1997 / Le 15 avril 1997

CMAJ 1997; 156 (8)

© 1997 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne

Contents / Table des matières

1101 - Editor's preface
1103 - Mot du rédacteur en chef

1107 - News and analysis / Nouvelles et analyses

1115 - Letters / Correspondance [Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants]

Evidence / Études
1123 - First-line treatment of seasonal (ragweed) rhinoconjunctivitis: a randomized management trial comparing a nasal steroid spray and a nonsedating antihistamine, E.F. Juniper, G.H. Guyatt, P.J. Ferrie, L.E. Griffith [full text / résumé]
1133 - Suicide among Manitoba's aboriginal people, 1988 to 1994, B. Malchy, M.W. Enns, T.K. Young, B.J. Cox [abstract / résumé]

Editorials / Éditorials
1141 - First-line treatment of hay fever: What is the best option?, S.O. Freedman [full text / résumé]
1147 - Bronchiolitis obliterans and wood-burning stoves, J.C. Hogg [full text / résumé]
1149 - A sheep named Dolly, L. Turner [abstract / résumé]

Education / Éducation
1153 - Bioethics for clinicians: 10. Research ethics, C. Weijer, B. Dickens, E.M. Meslin [full text / résumé]
1159 - Teaching medical students how to break bad news, A. Garg, R. Buckman, Y. Kason [full text / résumé]
1165 - Fatal falciparum malaria in Canadian travellers, A. Humar, S. Sharma, D. Zoutman, K.C. Kain [abstract / résumé]
1171 - Bronchiolitis obliterans in a man who used his wood-burning stove to burn synthetic construction materials, D.T. Janigan, T. Kilp, R. Michael, J.J. McCleave [full text / résumé]
1175 - Medical education must make room for student-specific ethical dilemmas, J. St. Onge [full text / en bref]

Experience / Expérience
1179 - "If you think it hurts now . . .", D. Needham

Features / Chroniques
1181 - Anger over HIV questions cancels blood clinic at Ottawa university, C. Gray [full text / en bref]
1186 - Negative health care environment weighing on residents, survey reveals, J. Rafuse [full text]
1188 - Storm of protest greets motion to restrict specialty exams, D. Square [full text / en bref]
1192 - CMA's core-services framework featured at international conference, J.R. Williams [full text / en bref]
1195 - Medicare, Medicaid fraud a billion-dollar art form in the US, M. Korcok [full text / en bref]

1247 - Deaths / Nécrologie

Pulse / Médicogramme
1248 - Are medical students ready to make career choices? / Les étudiants en médecine sont-ils prêts à faire un choix de carrière?

1199 - Books and other media / Livres et autres documents /
1203 - What can the Internet do for me?

Resources / Ressources

1204 - Conferences / Conférences
1208 - Advertisers' index / Index des annonceurs
1209 - Prescribing index / Index de l'information sur les ordonnances
1233 - Service information / Renseignements aux lecteurs
1234 - Classified advertising / Annonces classées
1164 - Logie Medical Ethics Essay Contest
1202 - Concours de dissertation en éthique médicale logie

ISSN 0820-3946 156 (8) 1097­1248 (1997)

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