

Come north, Dr. Patterson

CMAJ 1997;157:1345
See response from: R. Patterson
I certainly empathize with Dr. Robert Patterson ("I don't own a house, but at least the lien is off my truck," CMAJ 1997;156[11]:1583-5 [full text]) and his difficulty in finding a satisfying permanent position. It is ironic that while he has been looking for a position, the University of Manitoba has been unable to recruit an academic general surgeon. The suitable candidate would have a varied, interesting clinical practice in Thompson, Man., a small city with a university-based specialty program. There are teaching and research expectations, with particular opportunities in the areas of telemedicine and computer technology. The salaried compensation is very competitive and includes 8 weeks' annual vacation and professional leave.

As chief of staff at Thompson's hospital, I find it frustrating that despite extensive advertising for a number of positions, potential candidates still do not seem to be aware of our exciting new program. Any suggestions for reaching suitable candidates would be most appreciated.

J. Leigh Wincott, MD
Chief of Staff
Thompson General Hospital
Thompson, Man.

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| CMAJ November 15, 1997 (vol 157, no 10) / JAMC le 15 novembre 1997 (vol 157, no 10) |