Canadian Medical Association Journal /
Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

November 15, 1997 / Le 15 novembre 1997

CMAJ 1997;157(10)

© 1997 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne

Focusing on
Creutzfeld-Jakob disease

In this issue · Dans ce numéro

Editor's preface
Mot du rédacteur en chef

1335 News and analysis · Nouvelles et analyses

1345 Letters · Correspondance [Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants]

  Evidence · Études
1357 Current and projected rates of hip fracture in Canada, E.A. Papadimitropoulos, P.C. Coyte, R.G. Josse, C.E. Greenwood [full text / résumé]

  Editorials · Éditoriaux
1367 Is Creutzfeldt­Jakob disease transmitted in blood? Is the absence of evidence of risk evidence of the absence of risk?, M.N. Ricketts [full text / résumé]
1373 Physicians, finder's fees and free, informed consent, K.M. Flegel [full text / résumé]
1375 "Say, are you psychiatrists still using ECT?", R.P. Kraus, P. Chandarana [full text / résumé]
1378 Policies for posting biomedical journal information on the Internet, International Committee of Medical Journal Editors [full text]
1378 Politiques au sujet de la diffusion, sur Internet, de renseignements tirés de revues biomédicales, Comité international des rédacteurs de revues médicales [texte complet]

  Education · Éducation
1381 A prion primer, N.R. Cashman [full text / résumé]
1389 Notifying patients exposed to blood products associated with Creutzfeldt­Jakob disease: integrating science, legal duties and ethical mandates, T. Caulfield, J. Dossetor, L. Boshkov, J. Hannon, D. Sawyer, G. Robertson [full text / résumé]
1395 The need for specialized training programs in palliative medicine, J.F. Seely, J.F. Scott, B.M. Mount [full text / résumé]

  Experience · Expérience
1402 A princess dies, a surgeon reflects, I. Ross

  Public health · Santé publique
1405 Creutzfeldt­Jakob disease: the Canadian situation [full text]
1407 La maladie de Creutzfeldt­Jakob : la situation au Canada [texte complet]

  Features · Chroniques
1411 Harmonized sales tax a taxing issue for MDs in Atlantic Canada, N. Robb [full text / en bref]
1415 Jewish and secular medical ethics share themes but diverge on issues such as heroic measures, L. Cohen [full text / en bref]
1419 One-stop care at breast centre another sign of patients' increasing influence, C. Gray [full text / en bref]
1423 Taking health care to factory floor proves smart move for growing Ontario company, R. Burford Mason [full text / en bref]
1427 Ignore growing patient interest in alternative medicine at your peril, MDs warned, H. Kent [full text / en bref]
1429 Labrador program prepares MDs for northern, remote practice, S. Gray [full text / en bref]
1431 When medicine moves to the Internet, its legal issues tag along, E. LeBourdais [full text / en bref]

1491 Deaths · Nécrologie

  Pulse · Médicogramme
1492 Interprovincial migration / La migration interprovinciale

1275 Books and other media · Livres et autres documents
  • Prescription for Wealth: Financial Planning for the Health Care Professional
  • Telemedicine: Theory and Practice
  • Multiple Sclerosis: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed
  • Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Terapeutics (CD-ROM)
  • Practical Minor Surgery (CD-ROM)
  • Glaucoma: A Patients's Guide to the Disease
  • Take Care: A Practical Guide for Helping Elders
  • The Quintessential Canadian Anesthetist: Wesley Bourne A Retrospective on the Foundations of McGill Anesthesia

1441 ·
    Free MEDLINE on way from CMA

Resources · Ressources

1442 Qualitative research articles: information for authors and peer reviewers, M. Rowan, P. Huston [full text]
  Articles en recherche qualitative : information aux auteurs et aux pairs-examinateurs, M. Rowan, P. Huston [texte complet]
1447 Conferences · Conférences
1452 Advertisers' index · Index des annonceurs
1453 Prescribing index · Index de l'information sur les ordonnances
1480 Service information · Renseignements aux lecteurs
1481 Classified advertising · Annonces classées
ISSN 0820-3946 157 (10) 1325-1492 (1997)

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