Qualitative research articles: information for authors and peer reviewers


Table 1: Checklist for authors and peer reviewers of qualitative studies
Is the research topic relevant and important?
Is the specific research question clearly stated?
Is the literature on the topic appropriately reviewed?
Is ethical approval for the study documented?
Is the qualitative approach clearly identified and justified?
Is the approach appropriate for the research question?
Is the study context well described?
Is the role of the researcher well described?
Is the sampling method clearly described?
Is a rationale presented for the sampling method?
Is the method of calculating the sample size explained?
Information collection and analysis
Is the method of information collection described in enough detail to understand the process?
Is the method of information collection dependable?
Is the method of analysis clearly described?
Is the method of analysis appropriate for the research question?
Are the methods of determining the credibility and transferability of the findings described?
Are the methods of determining the credibility and transferability of the findings appropriate?
Are there concrete details that portray the setting and describe what actually happened?
Are there an appropriate number of quotations to get a sense of the participants' perspective?
Is confidentiality maintained?
Is the data analysis clearly described?
Do the interpretations, themes or concepts created flow logically from the analysis?
Is the analysis insightful?
Are the findings dependable?
Are the findings credible and transferable?
Do the findings answer the research question?
Are the main findings of the study summarized?
Are the implications and alternative interpretations of the results discussed?
Are the strengths and limitations of the study identified?
Are areas for further inquiry suggested?
Tables and figures
Are the tables and figures useful in describing the main themes?

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| CMAJ November 15, 1997 (vol 157, no 10) / JAMC le 15 novembre 1997 (vol 157, no 10) |

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