

Speaking from the heart

CMAJ 1997;157:1736
See response from: D. Rapoport
I read Dr. David Rapoport's article "Death by coronary" (CMAJ 1997;156[12]:1733-4) with great interest. However, I am not as enthusiastic about coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) as he is. It was the worst experience I have ever had.

In my early 50s I had mild hypertension and stable coronary artery disease that was easily controlled by medication. After retiring I consulted a cardiologist and underwent echocardiography, a stress test and angiography. The diagnosis was severe coronary sclerosis with triple-vessel disease, and the cardiologist said CABG was the only solution. After the operation the surgeon said that only a double-bypass procedure had been performed. I never found out why and never heard from him again. After the operation I experienced excruciating pain and sleepless nights, and was discharged in miserable shape.

In 1988, 2 years after the operation, I experienced coronary discomfort and lost consciousness while on a flight to Florida. At a Miami hospital I was told that both bypass grafts were blocked and that because of my serious situation surgery was not recommended. I was then transferred to a Vancouver hospital by air ambulance.

After that frightening experience I led a marginal existence and looked for help wherever I could find it. My doctor's only suggestion was another operation. That's when my daughter heard about chelation therapy, which was available from 2 Vancouver physicians. I started this therapy in 1989 and after 30 treatments experienced mild but noticeable improvement. This prompted me to continue with 10 to 15 treatments a year. My condition improved to the point where I was able to enjoy family life and travelling, all without the pain and suffering that existed before the treatments.

Placebo you say? Read my lips! I am now 83 years old and still enjoy life. CABG let me down, while chelation therapy gave me what I was looking for in the first place: a chance to enjoy my remaining years in dignity.

Patrick Neumann, MD
North Vancouver, BC

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| CMAJ December 15, 1997 (vol 157, no 12) / JAMC le 15 décembre 1997 (vol 157, no 15) |