Canadian Medical Association Journal /
Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

December 15, 1997 / Le 15 décembre 1997

CMAJ 1997; 157 (12)

© 1997 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne

Holiday Review 1997

In this issue · Dans ce numéro

1649 Editor's preface
Mot du rédacteur en chef

1736 Letters · Correspondance
[Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants]

  The Underserved and Desperate
1655 Native health
It's time for action, B. Postl [full text]

1657 Clinical nutrition
The DASH to lower blood pressure, L.J. Hoffer [full text]
1659 Cardiovascular disease
Disheartening developments on the world stage, G. Paradis, G.R. Dagenais, A. Chockalingam [full text]
1661 Injury prevention
The accidental patient, R.J. Brison [full text]

  The Practice of Medicine
1667 Family medicine
A practical foundation, M.S. Godwin [full text]
1669 Genetics
Mendel might get dizzy, J.G. Hall [full text]
1671 Gastroenterology/Hepatology
Less hype, more hope, E. Shaffer [full text]
1673 Cardiology
The heart of the matter, W.L. Williams [full text]
1675 Tropical medicine
First the bad news . . ., J.D. MacLean, B.J. Ward [full text]
1677 Respiratory medicine
Breathing easier, G. King, P.D. Paré [full text]
1681 Surgery
At the cutting edge, J.L. Meakins [full text]
1683 Emergency medicine
Progress, frustration and controversy, R. Gerace, B. McCauley [full text]
1685 Men's health
Progress in prostate cancer, P. Warde, M.K. Gospodarowicz [full text]
1687 Palliative care
Death: A rewarding experience?, T.A. Hutchinson, J.F. Seely [full text]
1689 Bioethics
Human values in health care: trying to get it right, J.B. Dossetor [full text]
1691 Research ethics
Consent and discontent, N.S. Wenger, M.F. Shapiro [full text]
1693 Parenting
All in the family, H. Armstrong [full text]

  Public Health
One step forward, two steps back, S.A. Strathdee, M.T. Schechter [full text]
1701 Infectious diseases
The latest word on emerging pathogens, P.R. Gully [full text]
1703 Antimicrobial resistance
The microbes strike back, A.J. McGeer, D.E. Low [full text]
1705 Immunization
Point, counterpoint, D.W. Scheifele [full text]

  Women and Medicine
1711 Women's issues
Women's health comes of age, D.E. Stewart [full text]
1713 Cracking the glass ceiling, M. Cohen [full text]

  For the Record
1718 The information age
What's up in medical informatics?, R.B. Haynes, A.R. Jadad, D.L. Hunt [full text]
1720 Medical Publishing
Plus ça change . . ., B.P. Squires [full text]

  Health care
1724 US health care
This business called medicine, L. Van Dusen [full text]
1726 Health policy
Wrong answers at the wrong time?, R. Deber [full text]
1728 Coming home
You can go home again, P. Vaughan [full text]
1730 Politics
Allan Rock comes a-courting, C. Gray [full text]

  Medicine and the Arts
1734 Operatics
Arias, anxieties and epidemics, M. Hutcheon, L. Hutcheon [full text]

  Editorial · Éditorial
1772 Diversity and women's health: a call for papers, J. Hoey, P. Ballem, C. Younger-Lewis [full text / texte complet]

1741 Advertisers' index · Index des annonceurs
1742 Prescribing index · Index de l'information sur les ordonnances
1759 Service information · Renseignements aux lecteurs
1760 Classified advertising · Annonces classées
  Conferences · Conférences
ISSN 0820-3946 157 (12) 1645­1772 (1997)

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