Saskatchewan loses only medical journal
CMAJ 1997;157:361
© 1997 Canadian Medical Association
Ontario and British Columbia are now the only provinces to produce journals for their physicians after the University of Saskatchewan medical school and the Saskatchewan Medical Association (SMA) decided to cease publication of the Saskatchewan Medical Journal. The move is expected to save $25 000 a year. The only remaining provincial journals are Ontario Medical Review, published by the Ontario Medical Association, and the British Columbia Medical Journal, published by the BC Medical Association.
The decision to kill the journal was made because the medical school's Continuing Medical Education Division was running a deficit. Dr. Briane Scharfstein, executive director of the SMA, told the Saskatoon Star Phoenix that the move is "unfortunate, but it's also unfortunate the division is under significant financial pressure." The 24-page journal began as a newsletter 30 years ago but expanded to journal format in 1990. It was distributed free to 2000 physicians, medical students and residents in the province.
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