Canadian Medical Association Journal /
Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

August 15, 1997 / Le 15 août 1997

CMAJ 1997; 157 (4)

© 1997 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne

Dr. Victor Dirnfeld
127th CMA President

Contents / Table des matières

353 - Editor's preface
355 - Mot du rédacteur en chef

359 - News and analysis / Nouvelles et analyses

365 - Letters / Correspondance [Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants]

Evidence / Études
375 - Risk of HIV infection from blood transfusion in Montreal, R.S. Remis, G. Delage, R.W.H. Palmer [abstract / résumé]
383 - A role for the sick role: patient preferences regarding information and participation in clinical decision-making, A.M. Stiggelbout, G.M. Kiebert [full text / résumé]

Editorials / Éditoriaux
391 - HIV in the blood supply: nothing to fear but fear itself, S.A. Strathdee, M.V. O'Shaughnessy, M.T. Schechter [full text / résumé]
393 - Should physicians discourage patients from playing the sick role?, C. Laine [full text / résumé]
395 - Mainstreaming methadone maintenance treatment: the role of the family physician, M. Latowsky, E. Kallen [full text / résumé]
399 - Methadone maintenance treatment: a Canadian perspective, B. Brands, D.C. Marsh [full text / résumé]
403 - Recipes or roadmaps? Instead of rejecting clinical practice guidelines as "cookbook" solutions, could physicians use them as roadmaps for the journey of patient care?, D.R.E. Farquhar [full text / résumé]
405 - The "Supremes" decide on assisted suicide: What should a doctor do?, J.V. Lavery, P.A. Singer [full text / résumé]

Education / Éducation
408 - Translating guidelines into practice: a systematic review of theoretic concepts, practical experience and research evidence in the adoption of clinical practice guidelines, D.A. Davis, A. Taylor-Vaisey [abstract / résumé]
422 - Primary prevention of heart disease and stroke: a simplified approach to estimating risk of events and making drug treatment decisions, J.P. McCormack, M. Levine, R.E. Rangno [full text / résumé]

Experience / Expérience
430 - A gift from a friend, A. Vukusic [full text]

Public health / Santé publique
431 - Gather ye rosebuds while ye may -- but avoid the mushrooms [full text]
432 - Mignonne, allons voir si la rose . . . mais gardons-nous des champignons [texte complet]

Features / Chroniques
433 - Death of phone service indicates Canadians not willing to pay for medical advice, N. Robb [full text / en bref]
435 - Vocal BC internist set to take CMA helm, S. Wharry [full text]
437 - À la barre de l'AMC : un interniste de la Colombie-Britannique qui n'hésite pas à s'exprimer, S. Wharry [texte complet]
439 - Does Rock's arrival at Health Canada signal growing importance for portfolio?, C. Gray [full text / en bref]
442 - FPs have vital role in ensuring success of breast cancer screening programs, L. Cohen [full text / en bref]

1783 - Deaths / Nécrologie

Pulse / Médicogramme
492 - Where is the money going? / Où va l'argent?

447 - Books and other media / Livres et autres documents
453 - /

Resources / Ressources

454 - Conferences / Conférences
457 - Advertisers' index / Index des annonceurs
457 - Prescribing index / Index de l'information sur les ordonnances
478 - Service information / Renseignements aux lecteurs
479 - Classified advertising / Annonces classées

ISSN 0820-3946 157 (4) 349­492 (1997)

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