Division speaks out for St. John's oncologist
CMAJ 1997;157:361
© 1997 Canadian Medical Association
The Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association (NLMA) recently urged the province to end its "appalling treatment" of a St. John's radiation oncologist, Dr. Dilip Panjwani, who had been providing care at the H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Centre without pay for 5 months. Last January Panjwani was released from his position as a department director at the centre, but continued to provide radiation oncology services. Since then, says the NLMA, the Newfoundland Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation has refused to pay him and the provincial health ministry instructed the Medical Care Plan (MCP) not to pay his fee-for-service claims. Following action by the NLMA, it appears the MCP will now honour the fee-for-service claims.
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