A role for the sick role


Table 2: Characteristics of the subjects in the study
CharacteristicSubject group
Patients with cancer n = 55 Companions of patients with cancer
n = 39
Patients who had undergone surgery
n = 53
Companions of patients who had undergone surgery
n = 29
Mean age, yr (and standard deviation)56 (16) 53 (14)43 (19)46 (16)
Sex, % male5739 5138
Years or level of education, % of subjects 
  < 8 yr 221014 7
  9-12 yr3544 3341
  12-14 yr2536 3141
  University/professional18 102211

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| CMAJ August 15, 1997 (vol 157, no 4) / JAMC le 15 août 1997 (vol 157, no 4) |

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