Wanted: more Newfoundland MDs
CMAJ 1997;157:631
© 1997 Canadian Medical Association
Comments that there are no major problems with physician supply in Newfoundland and Labrador have been met with derision by the provincial medical society and its members. "He's dreaming," scoffed Bonavista, Nfld., family physician Chris Randell following comments by John Peddle, executive director of the Newfoundland and Labrador Health Care Association. "Here in Bonavista we've been living on locums for a year and without them there is no way we would be able to survive."
Randell says that of the 10 full-time family physicians who used to serve the approximately 12 000 people in Bonavista and surrounding area last year, only 3 remain. He adds that the situation is putting severe strains on both physician and patient. "It's a very difficult situation for me because I grew up in this community and I have to turn people away because I just can't handle any more patients."
Dr. Karl Misik, president of the Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association, also spoke out. He said Peddle's comments don't acknowledge that doctors and other health care professionals have been working extremely hard to make up for the system's shortcomings. "If we pretend this problem does not exist, we will only face a larger and more severe crisis in the near future. Those working in the system cannot fill these gaps indefinitely; and concerted, system-wide action is required immediately."
Back in Bonavista, Randell is more blunt. "We need more doctors. Right now we're just not competitive [in remunerating physicians], but new funds will have to be found for health if people are going to be able to get the level of care they expect."
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