Canadian Medical Association Journal /
Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

Sept. 15, 1997 / Le 15 sept. 1997

CMAJ 1997; 157 (6)

© 1997 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne

Atrial fibrillation and
stroke: new research

In this issue · Dans ce numéro

Editor's preface
Mot du rédacteur en chef

631 News and analysis · Nouvelles et analyses

637 Letters · Correspondance [Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants]

  Evidence · Études
653 Guidelines for the use of carotid endarterectomy: current recommendations from the Canadian Neurosurgical Society, J.M. Findlay, W.S. Tucker, G.G. Ferguson, R.O. Holness, M.C. Wallace, J.H. Wong [full text / résumé]
663 Emergency physicians and sexual involvement with patients: an Ontario survey, H.J. Ovens, J.A. Permaul-Woods [abstract / résumé]
673 Nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: evidence for a prothrombotic state, S.R. Kahn, S. Solymoss, K.M. Flegel [full text / résumé]
685 Increased tissue plasminogen activator level in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation, S.R. Kahn, S. Solymoss, K.M. Flegel [full text / résumé]

  Editorials · Éditoriaux
693 Carotid endarterectomy: applying trial results in clinical practice, P.M. Walker [full text / résumé]
695 Atrial fibrillation and stroke: what we know, what's new, and what we should do now, C.S. Landefeld [full text / résumé]
701 Bus rounds: a new approach to community-based medical education, J.F. Seely [abstract / résumé]
705 A dangerous duo? A combination of common diet drugs (fen-phen) may lead to heart valve disease, D.R. Boughner [full text / résumé]
709 Hypertension in pregnancy: new recommendations for management, P. Hamet [full text / résumé]

  Education · Éducation
715 Report of the Canadian Hypertension Society Consensus Conference: 1. Definitions, evaluation and classification of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, M.E. Helewa, R.F. Burrows, J. Smith, K. Williams, P. Brain, S.W. Rabkin [full text / résumé]
729 Bus rounds for palliative care education in the community, E. Bruera, P. Selmser, J. Pereira, C. Brenneis [abstract / résumé]
737 Lawsuits over laser patents raise serious issues for physicians, patients, K. Capen, A. Kothari [full text]

  Experience · Expérience
741 Confronting despair: the Holocaust survivor's struggle with ordinary life and ordinary death, R. Krell

  Public health · Santé publique
747 The facts of lice [full text]
748 Des poux et des hommes . . . [texte complet]

  Features · Chroniques
750 MDs remain sceptical as chelation therapy goes mainstream in Saskatchewan, M. Oliver [full text / en bref]
757 Death in a Halifax hospital: a murder case highlights a profession's divisions, N. Robb [full text / en bref]
763 Legalized MD-assisted suicide needed to improve care, physician tells right-to-die group, A. Elash [full text / en bref]
767 Excess demand meets excess supply as referral companies link Canadian patients, US hospitals, M. Korcok [full text / en bref]
771 Medical examiners' seminar looked at mysteries surrounding sudden death, D. Grant
773 Call of the wild a strong lure for Yukon physicians, A. Tempelman-Kluit [abstract / en bref]
778 With a system in turmoil, will there be enough blood?, C. Gray [full text / en bref]
782 CMA revisits privatization issue, says "No thanks" once again, S. Wharry [full text / en bref]

851 Deaths · Nécrologie

  Pulse · Médicogramme
852 What are specialists doing? / Que font les spécialistes?

788 Books and other media · Livres et autres documents
  • Evidence-based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM
  • The Medical management of AIDS in Women
  • Virus X: Tracking the New Killer Plagues -- Out of the Present and Into the Future
  • Au pays de la bioéthique : L'éthique biomédicale aux États-Unis

785 ·

Resources · Ressources

792 Unvarnished viewpoints and scientific scrutiny: letters to the editors provide a forum for readers and help make a journal accountable to the medical community, C.J. Brown [full text]
792 Points de vue non embellis et examen scientifique : Les lettres à la rédaction constituent une tribune pour les lecteurs et elles obligent un journal à rendre compte à la communauté médicale, C.J. Brown [texte complet]
795 Conferences · Conférences
796 Advertisers' index · Index des annonceurs
797 Prescribing index · Index de l'information sur les ordonnances
841 Service information · Renseignements aux lecteurs
842 Classified advertising · Annonces classées
ISSN 0820-3946 157 (6) 621­852 (1997)

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