Error corrected, conclusions the same


Table 1: Percentage of newborns of low birth weight,* by data source, Ontario, 1987 to 1995
Data sourceYear; % of newborns with low birth weight Ratio 1994-95 to 1987 (and 95% CI†) 1987 to 1994-95
1987 19881989 19901991 19921993 19941995 chi2p value
Vital statistics5.36 5.465.29 5.355.55 5.525.87 5.935.98 1.11 (1.08-1.15)124.7 < 0.01
Hospital data5.21 5.405.32 5.315.48 5.445.66 5.76- 1.11 (1.07-1.14)53.1 < 0.01
*Live births of infants weighing 500 to 2499 g as a proportion of all live births of infants with stated birth weight of 500 g or more.
†CI = confidence interval.
‡chi2 (1 degree of freedom) for linear trend in proportion.

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| CMAJ September 15, 1997 (vol 157, no 6) / JAMC le 15 septembre 1997 (vol 157, no 6) |

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